IVF Pioneer Alan Trouson goes from the farm to the lab

During my research for the book, I learned so much more than I ever thought I would about genetics, reproduction, and the fascinating breakthroughs that have evolved over the last forty years.

I was lucky enough to interview Dr. Alan Trounson via ZOOM from his Melbourne, Australia office in the Summer of 2019. Dr. Trounson’s insight and personal stories about the early days of IVF development were invaluable in many ways—mostly by opening my view of reproductive medical research to see all sides of a complex treatment such as IVF. Both the doctors and clinicians, as well as early patients of the Australian “Test Tube Baby” project were subjected to harsh public backlash and criticism in their pursuit of science.

Want to learn a little more about how Trounson went from working with sheep on a farm in England to developing the freezing process of embryos for human use?? Read on below, and watch the video in the next tab. Happy Reading! xoxo Christina


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Protesters outside a fertility clinic, Melbourne circa 1980

Protesters outside a fertility clinic, Melbourne circa 1980

Doctors Leeton, Lopata, and Wood in an early lab used for the “Egg Project” later to be known as In Vitro Fertilization, Melbourne , circa 1970s

Doctors Leeton, Lopata, and Wood in an early lab used for the “Egg Project” later to be known as In Vitro Fertilization, Melbourne , circa 1970s