Christina McClelland interviewed by Carol Graham of the podcast NEVER EVER GIVE UP HOPE

It was an honor and privilege to be interviewed by author, motivational speaker, and podcaster Carol Graham last week for her inspiring show NEVER EVER GIVE UP HOPE. Each episode, Carol highlights inspirational stories and journeys of hope—a perfect platform for A Circle of Chalk! We discussed Jenna’s story (the main character in ACOC), how it relates to millions of women around the world, and how a few little words like “Of Course” can change a person’s perspective for the better. I hope that you will listen and enjoy!

C. McClelland on NEVER EVER GIVE UP HOPE an Apple Podcast by Carol Graham

Audiobook coming soon!

Actress Monica Steuer brings A Circle Of Chalk to life in the audiobook version coming soon to Audible and Apple Books. Monica is an international actress who has worked in Mexico, Peru, Puerto Rico, Scotland and the United States. She is a graduate of The American Academy of Dramatic Arts in NYC and has had a career that spans over 27 years.

Nation's fertility clinics struggle with a growing number of abandoned embryos by Mary Pflum

Click here for a link to the AUG 2019 article from NBC NEWS

The dilemma over what to do with embryos cast aside, and who should assume ownership of them, is a thorny one.

This is a fantastic article by Mary Pflum Peterson from 2019 on the growing crisis of abandoned embryos and over-storing of embryos in the United States. Many experts, such as the father of embryo cryopreservation, believes that the lack of time limits of cryopreserved specimen in the U.S. is irresponsible.

“Responsible Science” is one of the many themes examined in A Circle of Chalk—how far do we take science and technology where the creation of the human being is concerned? How far is too far?

Happy reading and I would love to hear your feedback on the topic! xo Christina

Anderson Cooper Becomes a Father this week

Anderson Cooper and Wyatt Cooper, May 2020 courtesy of

Anderson Cooper and Wyatt Cooper, May 2020 courtesy of

BIG Congratulations to Anderson Cooper with the birth of his son, Wyatt Morgan Cooper, this week via surrogate. Anderson shared his news and overflowing emotion at the end of his Town Hall show Thursday night. As Anderson so eloquently shared in his own social media post, his joy and the miracle of Wyatt’s birth is only possible because of the hard work and dedication of early fertility doctors and scientists.

His story aligns perfectly with the themes in A Circle of Chalk and I share in his joy today!

Take care, do good, and happy reading, xo-Christina

A Circle of Chalk, published May 2020 by Christina McClelland

A Circle of Chalk, published May 2020 by Christina McClelland

Anderson thanks medical community for the miracle of his son’s birth

Anderson thanks medical community for the miracle of his son’s birth


Launch Party Postponed - But Pre-Order begins!

Hi readers! The launch party at Pryor Fine Art scheduled for May 5th has been postponed due to the COVID-19 health crisis. My thoughts and prayers are with so many around the country and around the world who are in desperate need of medical and financial aid.

I look forward to the day when we can gather together again for the many celebrations and milestones that have been missed in 2020. It will come. Have faith. Do not worry. Help others. Follow the guidelines. Stay safe. These are our priorities for now, not forever, but for now.

I thank you for your online support of A Circle of Chalk and cannot wait to connect with you soon! Happy Reading, xoxo Christina

Click below for a link to the Pre-Order video, thank you!!

And a short reading